Automotive Locksmith
in Washington, PA

Contact Chipps Locksmith Service Right
Away in an Emergency
Away in an Emergency

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Commercial Locksmith
Commercial Locksmith

Chipps Locksmith Service Gets Drivers
Back in Their Automobiles
Back in Their Automobiles

Chipps Locksmith Service Gets Drivers Back in Their Automobiles
For dependable and understanding automotive locksmith services in Washington, PA, drivers and vehicle owners depend on Chipps Locksmith Service. If you are like many automobile owners, there has come a time when you have locked your car keys in your vehicle. Sometimes drivers lose their keys, or the keys break off in the ignition switch. It is a frustrating and embarrassing time for any of those experiences, especially if they happen late at night or early in the morning. At Chipps Locksmith Service, our phone is available to call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our emergency services are very affordable.
Call Chipps Locksmith Service today at (724) 228-5625 or contact us online for our dependable and understanding locksmith services.
Chipps Automotive Locksmith Services Include:
- Mobile Locksmith
- Car Doors Unlocked
- Emergency Lockouts
- Broken Locks
- Ignitions Repaired or Replaced
- Keys Made
- Locks Changed
- Locks Re-Keyed
- Trunk Locks Unlocked
- Extra Keys Made
- Transponder Keys
Our Mobile Locksmith Carefully Unlocks Your Vehicle Door
We have all done it at times – especially driving an older vehicle. We have left the key in the ignition, locked the automobile manually, closed the door, and walked away. Upon returning, we frantically search our pockets or purses, but then we peer through the window and see the keys dangling in the ignition. Chipps Locksmith Service knows you might try to use a hanger to retrieve the key or break a window. We do not want you to cause damage to your vehicle. Our bonded and insured automotive locksmith can respond to your location for emergency lockout situations and get you back in the auto without any damage being done.

We Can Help with Ignition Issues in Washington, PA
Our experienced automotive locksmith can help drivers when their key breaks off in the ignition of their vehicle. When the key breaks, drivers often make the mistake of trying to dig the key out of the ignition. Chipps Locksmith Service strongly advises against a DIY repair because it could damage the ignition. Trust our mobile locksmith to report to your location as quickly as possible within a 30-mile radius of our business, extract the key, make you a brand new key, and get you back on the road again.
Drivers in the region trust our automotive locksmith in Washington, PA.